Monday 4 March 2013

New Z-Cars Project

It's been a while since I last posted on here, for the past couple of months I have been starting to plan out and research for a book that I am going to write about Z Cars after reading comments from people who have read my articles on the show. It won't be a massive, encyclopaedia type book, it will be a book that will try to cover the less remembered eras of the show from the late 1960's onwards but will have some information on the early era as well. So far I am in the early stages, trying to produce a solid plan and doing some research, I do not have any idea when this will be finished (Or published if you like) and publishing this might be the hardest part and I have been looking into ways where I can get this book published.

I do realise that this will be far from easy to write about to say the very least but I will do my best to research as much information as I can, I am also interested in anybody who has an interest in the show and may be interested in contributing with the book (And also have your name in the book as well for contributing), I am open to suggestions.

You can contact me on my twitter account (Just type in @RyanMcGivern) if you have any suggestions.

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